BKs at the UN
Brahma Kumaris, with its spiritual headquarters in Mount Abu, India, comprises a worldwide network of centres in more than 110 countries and is an international non-governmental organisation (NGO) of the United Nations accredited with General Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
It also has:
- Associate Status with the Department of Public Information (DPI);
- Consultative Status with United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF);
- Observer Status to the United Nations Environment Assembly of UNEP;
It also is:
- An Observer Organisation to UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC);
- A Flagship Member of Education for Rural People (ERP), Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO)
In promoting the purpose and principles of the United Nations, the spiritual trajectory of awareness, attitude, vision and action is used by Brahma Kumaris in the areas of the Millennium Development Goals, Climate Change, Food Crisis, Gender Equality, Global Public Health, Humanitarian Emergencies, Human Rights, Women, Children, Youth, International Decades and Days.
Affiliations with UN