The Call-of-the Time Dialogue Series (COTT)

Leaders from across cultures, religions, and races come together with honor, respect and appreciation of the intrinsic value of each one. Together they explore the crucial territory where personal and collective cultivation meet. They are convinced that such explorations will prove vital to the larger issues that lay ahead for the world.

The Future of Power

Is a series of exclusive conversations exploring the forthcoming ‘shifts in power’ and their impact on leadership in the 21st century. The conversations successfully provide participants with an opportunity to take time out and reflect on the deeper meaning of power in their lives.

Choose, Change and Become Retreats

These retreats have been held annually in cities around the world bringing a bunch of like-minded, hope-driven young adults together to explore brave new ways of operating, innovative ways of seeing and positive ways of being. It’s aim is to help young leaders develop their inner capacity to make values-based choices and decisions that lead to positive, constructive action for their societies and the world.

The Four Faces of Woman

Helping women to bance their personal, family and professional lives and exploring the deeper meaning of the feminine characteristics and their role in restoring humanity to its original state of authenticity and harmony.

Being with One Initiative

In light of the current speed of change, the instability of many areas of our world, and the suffering of millions, perhaps there is another way we can help. As spiritual beings we all share the same Source of spiritual light and power. Many now recognise that we can raise our consciousness, connect with the Source, and serve as instruments of the ONE to bring that healing light, love and power into the world.

Initiated in September 2014. The Brahma Kumaris centers all over the world invited everyone in deepening their personal relationship with the divine.


Worldwide, more and more people are realising the benefits of short meditation breaks during the day. These breaks in our busy, often challenging, everyday lives help us experience peace and well-being, no matter what is happening around us. Everyone can practise these one-minute breaks, wherever, whenever. The just-a-minute website offers easy tools and tested tips on how to get started.

The Culture of Peace and Non-Violence

is a commitment to peace-building, mediation, conflict prevention and resolution, peace education, education for non-violence, tolerance, acceptance, mutual respect, intercultural and interfaith dialogue and reconciliation. The Brahma Kumaris participated in the Decade 2000-2010 promoting the Manifesto and collecting thousands of signatures in the form of pledges.

Sharing our Values for a Better World

was a year long project that started in September 1994 and continued through October 1995 culminating in a celebration honouring the UN50. Throughout the year all the Brahma Kumaris’ centres organised and focused activities around 12 values – Co-operation, Freedom, Happiness, Honesty, Humility, Love, Peace, Respect, Responsibility, Simplicity, Tolerance and Unity.

Global Co-operation for Better World

A United Nations Peace Messenger Initiative elicited from people, in words or pictures, responses to the question: “What is your vision of a better world?”Visions, hopes, and aspirations of a sweeping cross-section of individuals from more than 120 countries had been collected. The Global Vision Statement synthesised and reflected the contributions of the people. Visions of a Better World, a Peace Messenger Publication, was published featuring some of the vast outpouring of colour and creativity produced by the Project.

The Million Minutes of Peace Appeal

was dedicated to the UN International Year of Peace. That appeal, which asked people to pledge time in meditation, positive thinking, or prayers for peace, reached 88 countries and collected 1,231,975,713 minutes of peace. The total was equal to some 2,344 years of peace! The Brahma Kumaris were awarded seven national and one international Peace Messenger Awards by the Secretary General of the UN for their contribution to the Year.

The Serve Africa project-

In 1974, the Brahma Kumaris began service in Africa. Over the next 30 years, the organization opened meditation centers in thirteen countries. In 2004, two African businessmen from Kenya and South Africa teamed up with the Brahma Kumaris and challenged themselves to establish meditation centers in every African country over the next two years. (There are 54 countries on mainland Africa and surrounding islands.) A meeting was held in Kericho, the tea-growing region of Kenya, to which 150 attendees from all over Africa joined to help. Many of the countries were war torn and some had severe droughts, but the project went on and was completed on schedule. Forty African countries had meditation centers established within two years from commencement. The meditation centers have been places of hope, peace, serenity, community and joy across Africa.

Watumull Global Hospital & Research Centre: A Haven for Healing

Watumull Global Hospital & Research Centre is a 102-bed hospital located at Mt Abu. Western Rajasthan, where Global Hospital is located, is one of the least privileged regions in India. Much of it consists of desert, water is in short supply, the literacy rate is low, and a majority of the population is deprived of basic healthcare services.