Celebrating Human Greatness (CHG)

In 2007, the Brahma Kumaris in America began a special initiative called “Celebrating Human Greatness”. A series of public conversations on human greatness took place in cities all across the United States. The goal of the conversations was to realize the greatness intrinsic to us all. I twas launched from New Orleans shortly after Katrina, to bring awareness to the exceptional optimism, altruism and heroism that emerged in the city and its people in the midst of a catastrophe. These conversations attuned participants to the greatness in and around them, as well as became seeds of love and respect to be planted in their social circles: at home, work, schools and in their communities.

Spotlight Values (SV)

In September 2010, the young adults of the Brahma Kumaris in North America launched an international initiative dedicated to the United Nations International Year a/Youth called Spotlight Values-A Look at What Makes Us Shine. The initiative called to challenge, support, and inspire youths and young adults ( ages 13 -35) around the world to make values come to life for them. The values cultivated through Inner Discovery, Positive Actions and Community Involvement in Spotlight Values are Peace, Non-Violence, Tolerance, Dignity, Love, Purity, Courage, Respect and Acceptance. Youth were encouraged to use Art, Media and Conversation to explore and express these values in the world and to have a voice among like-minded peers. Spotlight Values events have been held in 46 countries thus far.

Om Cafe

Om Cafe is a Spotlight Values initiative with a cafe-style setting. This setting creates a space for young adults to collectively explore questions about values, dialogue about their reflections, creatively demonstrate their learnings, and share their experiences and creative expressions with their peers in a trusting atmosphere. This process consists of three steps: Explore, Express and Exchange. Om Cafes started in 2010 and are still being held throughout the US and internationally.

7 Billion Acts of Goodness (AOG)

7 Billion Acts of Goodness: Returning to Who We Are, is a grassroots initiative designed to exponentially increase expressions of benevolence in the world by creating a chain reaction of goodness and happiness. Acts of Goodness has collected over one Billion pledges for Acts of Goodness which are acts that we consciously perform above and beyond our duty, obligation or expectation. It can be an act of comforting, encouraging, forgiving or personal sacrifice that inspires others and creates an environment of kindness, compassion and generosity. Launched in 2013 in New York, there have been more than 20,000 events around the world in more than 40 countries. As of 2020, the 7 Billion Acts of Goodness has surpassed 1.4 billion in participation. To learn more about this service, you may visit www.actsofgoodness.org.

Peace in the Park Festivals

In 2011, the Brahma Kumaris in the USA launched a Peace in the Park festival at Central Park, New York. The festival delivered several exhibits and activities on Meditation, Health, Kids Play Corner, Positive Thinking and more for the community of New York City. Peace in the Park creates a creative place for individuals and families to explore the wonder of being and how to rejuvenate the self with Yoga. Peace in the Park Festivals have now been held in many cities all across the United States.

Parliament of World Religions

Brahma Kumaris in the USA serve on many interfaith councils and groups. The Brahma Kumaris are always present for the Parliament of World Religions, serving on the organizing committees and contributing to events. In recent years in which the Parliament of World Religions was held in the United States – Chicago (1993) and Salt Lake City (2015) and the recent one in Chicago (2023), the USA Brahma Kumaris have played a role in bringing the message of Peace, Cooperation and Unity.